Missing Persons

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Cuyahoga County is dedicated to searching for missing children and adults -never giving up hope for a safe and healthy reunion. The Cuyahoga County Missing Persons Website allows you to search for missing children, adults, report a missing persons tip, and offers community resources for families, neighbors, and citizens who are touched by missing persons.



Missing persons computer screen image

Missing Persons Search

Search the state's missing persons system by name, city or keywords.
Search Here
Community Word Collage with people hands put together

Community Resources

Information and resources for families, neighbors, and citizens.
Learn More
Cubes with letters read FINDING

Report a Missing Person Tip

Report information that can help officials find missing children and adults.
Submit Tip


Disclaimer: All information contained on this website is public record and is made available solely to aid the public. Information contained on this website reflects data at the time of entry. Reasonable attempts are made to provide accurate, current and reliable public information. This page is updated regularly and posters are added and removed on a regular basis. Due to the fact that information can change quickly and there may be gaps in data received, Cuyahoga County makes no representation, either expressed or implied, that the information contained on this website is up-to-date, complete or accurate. Cuyahoga County recognizes the possibility of human, mechanical and/or technological error. Cuyahoga County, its employees, deputies, partner agencies, contractors and agents expressly disclaim any and all liability for errors or omissions contained on this website.